Member Information
Links to the Council's membership list, Austin-area hotels and Texas institutions of higher education are provided below with a list of Council officers.
Council Membership
The Council is comprised of the chief executive officers of the public general academic universities, system offices, health-related institutions, and the three two-year state colleges in the Houston/Gulf Coast area.
- Members as of April 26, 2024
- Hotels in the Austin area (click here)
- A map of of all higher education institutions in Texas is available here
The specific objectives and purposes of the Council shall be to advance the educational programs of public senior colleges and universities in Texas through a cooperative system of communication among representatives of those institutions, which shall serve as a means of exchanging ideas and expertise regarding problems shared by those institutions (Bylaws/purpose).
Council Officers
Chancellor Tedd Mitchell (Chair, Texas Tech University System), President Alisa White (Chair-elect, Sam Houston State University), President Pablo Arenaz (Secretary/Treasurer, Texas A&M International University), and President Lawrence Schovanec (Past Chairman, Texas Tech University).
Executive Committee
FY24: Jennifer Cowley (University of Texas at Arlington), Taylor Eighmy (University of Texas at San Antonio), Thomas Johnson (Lamar State College - Orange), Jaime Taylor (Lamar University), Sidney Valentine (Lamar Institute of Technology), Richard Walker (University of Houston - Clear Lake), Walter Wendler (West Texas A&M University).
Past Chairmen
Current members who have completed service as a Council chair:
Guy Bailey
University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
Brian McCall
Texas State University System
Lawrence Schovanec
Texas Tech University